11.17.24 WOD
40:00 AMRAP: 40/30 Cal Row 10 Push Ups 15 Plate Sit Ups 20 Alt Reverse lunges 30 Double Unders or 45 Singles 400m Run 30 Double Unders or 45 Singles 20 Alt Box Step Ups 15 V-Ups 10 Burpees –
40:00 AMRAP: 40/30 Cal Row 10 Push Ups 15 Plate Sit Ups 20 Alt Reverse lunges 30 Double Unders or 45 Singles 400m Run 30 Double Unders or 45 Singles 20 Alt Box Step Ups 15 V-Ups 10 Burpees –
3 Sets: 10 Seated DB press 15 Banded delt raise 20 Band pull aparts Then… For time: 40/30 Cal Bike 40 RKBs 40 Air Squats – 30/20 Cal Bike 30 RKBs 30 Push-ups – 20/15 Cal Bike 20 RKBs 20 TTB – 10/7 Cal Bike 10 RKBs 10 Burpee Pull-up
3:00 -B/R/Ski 2 Rounds For Quality 10/10 Monster Band Walk Steps Ea. 10/10 Monster Band Kickbacks 5 Barbell RDL 5 Hang Power Cleans 5 Strict Press Then.. Every 1:45 Seconds x 6 Sets (5 of 6) 1 Clean pull + 1 Power clean + 2 Front squats Then….. 3 Rounds: 1:00 Max Clean and jerks…
2 Rounds: :20 Row 10 Air squats :20 bike 10 Banded lat pull downs Then.. 3 sets: 16 Alt DB Curls 8/8 DB tricep kickbacks Rest 1 min between sets 1 Set: 50 Banded hamstring curls in as few sets as possible . Then…. EMOM: 16:00 Min 1: 12/9 Cal row Min 2: 20 Air…
400m run 30 cals bike. Or row *Should be done as quick as possible! Then.. 10 Shoulder taps 10 Plank up/downs. (Forearms to hands) 10 Plank T-spine rotations Then.. “EMOM x 9 sets (Week 3 of 4) 3 Rounds: Min 1-3: 3 Strict press Then.. Min 4-6: 2 push press Then… Min 7-9: 1 Push…
Veteran’s Day 🇺🇸 Thank you for your service 🇺🇸 :30 Row 40 Banded heel elevated :30 Row 40 Banded heel elev :30 row – 2 rds 5/5 BB reverse lunge 5 Front squats Then.. Every 1:30 x 6 (week 3 of 6) Odd Sets – 5/5 Deficit back rack lunges Even Sets – 5 Pause…
EMOM x 8 min 5 Tuck Crunches 5 Sit Ups :10 Sec Hollow Hold with Flutter Kick Then… Banded Air squats 100 Bb Jumping air squats 3 x 10 Rest 1:00 Then… 20 Min AMRAP: 400m Row/ski 30 Double Unders 20 Toes to DB or Leg Lifts 10 Lateral Burpee over Dumbbell 5 Wall Walks
EMOM x 7 min 5 Tuck Crunches 5 Sit Ups :10 Sec Hollow Hold with Flutter Kick Then… 3 Sets: 8/8 Concentration curls 15 Single DB skull crushers Cash out: 40 Banded Curls in as few sets as possible 40 Banded tricep extensions in as few sets as possible Then.. 4 Rounds for time: 20/15…
2 Rounds: 6 BB RDLs 6 BB Muscle cleans 6 BB Front squats :30 Row Then… Every 1:45 Seconds x 6 Sets (4 of 6) 1 Clean pull + 2 Power clean + 2 Front squats Then…. For Time: 250/200m row 18 Wall Balls – 500/450m row 18 Wall Balls – 750/700m row 18 Wall…