8.22.12 WOD
Skill: Front Squat Strength: Front Squat 5-5-5 Then 1000m row 100 sit ups
When: September 17th – November 18th Who: EVERYONE! It’s a Nationwide Competition Perks: Nutritional guidance, goal setting, performance and nutrition tracking online! Prizes: All participants get a start up pack worth over $100 in products, gift cards and discounts to kick start the challenge. Each week, over $10,000 worth of prizes such as;…
A. 21-15-9 Clean and Jerk (135/95) 400 Meter Run Conditioning – For Time: 1000m Row 100 Double Unders 800m Run
In teams of three, with only one partner working at a time, complete: 100 Kettlebell Swings (70/53 lbs) 25 Synchronized Burpees 400 Meter Run 100 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 25 Synchronized Burpees 400 Meter Run 100 Wall Balls 20/14 25 Synchronized Burpees 400 Meter Run
1. 3 x 3 : Down & Up High Pull Muscle Snatch (Hip) OHS Hang Power Snatch OHS Power Snatch 2. Power Snatch – 2RM 5 – min AMRAP 10 Power Snatch (75/55) 5 Burpees Rest 3 – min 5-min AMRAP 10 Power Snatch 5 Burpees *Try to match your score * 1. 3 x…
2. AMRAP 5 mins 5 Handstand Push-ups (strict if you can, but kipping is allowed) 7 Kb Swings – 70/55 9 Box Jumps – 30/24 rest 3 mins X 2 rounds. Score is Total # of rounds. Start where you left off on round 2.