1.30.25 WOD
For Total Time: 800/700m Row/ski into 3 Rounds: 50m Sled Push (down/back 1x) 25 DB Bench press 5x Shuttle run (down/back=1) 50m Sled Pull 25m Burpee Broad Jump 5x Farmers Carry (down/back=1) into 800/700m row/ski
For Total Time: 800/700m Row/ski into 3 Rounds: 50m Sled Push (down/back 1x) 25 DB Bench press 5x Shuttle run (down/back=1) 50m Sled Pull 25m Burpee Broad Jump 5x Farmers Carry (down/back=1) into 800/700m row/ski
3 Rounds 10 Scap pull ups 10 Alt Rev lunges :20 Hollow hold :20 any machine Then… Every :90 x 8 Sets: 12 Min total (week 1 of 4) Odd 8/8 Farmers Hold Rev Lunge from 3 in plate. Do not alternate reps. Even 4-6 Strict Chin Ups + 8-10 BB Curls 4 total sets…
New Class!!! The CrossFit Open is a few weeks away! To help prepare you for the Open and some of the movements that you will see, we have set up a 3-week prep course leading up to the Open. The Open prep class is FREE and is available to everyone. Classes will start is Saturday…
New Class!!! The CrossFit Open is a few weeks away! To help prepare you for the Open and some of the movements that you will see, we have set up a 3-week prep course leading up to the Open. The Open prep class is FREE and is available to everyone. Classes will start is Saturday…
10 Rounds For Time: 5 Shuttle Runs (20ft out and back = 1 rep) 10 Kettlebell Swings 15/10 Cal Bike Then.. 4 Sets: 8 Strict Dips 10 BB Curls :30 Hollow hold Rest :30 Between sets
4 Sets: 10 DB Z Press (elbows out to sides) 10 Double dumbbell bent over row 10 Alt DB Bicep Curl Rest 1:00 between sets Then… For Time: Buy in: 50/40 Cal Row 4 Rounds: 10 Empty Barbell strict press 15 BB front squats 20 Bodyweight Box Step Ups 25 Sit-ups Cash out: 50/40 Cal…
2x 5 inch worms 10 scap pushups :30 plank 20 shoulder taps Then.. 2 Rounds: 3 Empty Bar high pulls 3 Snatch grip RDLs 3 Muscle snatch 3 Back squats 3 BB Bradford press Then…. Every 1:15 Seconds x 6 Sets (week 2 of 3) 2 Hang power snatch above the knee + 1 Hang…
Hyrox prep 2 Rounds For Time: 50 Air Squats 25/20 Cal Bike 50 Double Unders /75 Singles 500m Row/ski 50m Sled Push (3 plates/2 plates 45#) 25 Hand Release Push Ups 50m Sled Pull 25 Hand Release Push Ups 500m Row/ski 50 Walking Lunges (bodyweight) 100m single KB front carry 53/35(switch every turn) 2xdown +…
Open Prep Starts Now! You’ve been showing up. You’ve been grinding. You’ve been putting in the sweat equity that most people aren’t willing to. Now it’s almost time to put it to the test. Over the next 5 weeks, we’re going ALL IN on preparing you for the CrossFit Open. Here’s what that means: –…
Open Prep Starts Now! You’ve been showing up. You’ve been grinding. You’ve been putting in the sweat equity that most people aren’t willing to. Now it’s almost time to put it to the test. Over the next 5 weeks, we’re going ALL IN on preparing you for the CrossFit Open. Here’s what that means: –…