3 Sets:
10 V-Ups
:20 Sec Side Plank R
:20 Sec Side Plank L
10 V-Ups
:40 Sec Front Plank
Rest 1:00 between sets
Deload week
Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
5/5 Alt elevated farmers hold curtsy lunge
20 Banded hamstring curls
Elevate about 4” of the ground and focus on a controlled movement touching your back knee behind your front heel, squeezing your glutes to stand up. Stay a bit lighter and focus on quality of movement and isolating the glutes.
in a 15:00 min window
A) For time:
Double Under
Sit Up /anchored with dbs
*complete 3 Snatch or power snatch after each round including the last.
B) in remaining time work up to today’s heavy snatch or power snatch.
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