New Warm-up Protocol -Will be posted on the whiteboard Bulletproof Shoulder #2 Y.T.H.W.L x 16 Each No Rest Btw Then…, Gymnasty Skill HSPU 5 x 5 or 10 x 5 Rest :30 Btw Each Set Then…, Plyo Broad Jump Test: Max Distance Five Attempts Goal: 10ft/6ft+ Then…, Oly Lifting Power Clean x 4 (Build Quickly) :10 Rest Btw Each Then…, Functional 4 Sets AQAP 1 LLRC or 5 Strict Pull-ups Low Bear Crawl B2B 10 Kneeling KB Chops R/L :20 HSH Conditioning Teams of Two: AMRAP in 10:00 Row 150m (Sprint) 6 Burpees Over the Rower Extra Credit…, -`Will be posted on the whiteboard ===================================================
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