4:00 AMRAP
4 Scap Pull Ups
4 Paused DB Goblet Squats
10 Banded Curls
10/10 Single Leg Calf Raises
12 Min to Complete:
3 Sets:
5/5 Suitcase hold Bulgarian split squats
20 Banded hamstring curls
3 sets:
6/6 Concentration curls
18 Banded curls
3 x 5 Min AMRAP/ 1 Min Rest between
Buy In: 20/15 Cal Bike or 400m run
in the remaining 5 Min AMRAP
8 T2B
10 Alt DB Hang Snatch
32 Double Unders / singles
10 Alt DB Hang Squat Clean
8 Burpee to Target
*Always pick up where you leave off each round
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