A. Thruster B. In teams of two, alternate rounds to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of: 5 Burpees 7 Box Jump Overs 9 Goblet Squats Midline work Accumulate 3 minutes Weighted Plank Hold (45, 25)
A. Superset 5×8 Pendlay Row-Demo ( 5×10 Ring Dips B. For time: 75 Double unders 150 Walking lunges 75 Double unders 10 minute Cap Cash out: Accumulate 2 minutes in an L-sit hold Post load, time to Comments.
A. Back Squat: 3 x 5 Linear Progression (What is Linear Progression) B. As you have probably noticed, we have not been specifying which version of back squats we want people performing in each cycle, and are leaving it up to you. As CrossFitters, we would ideally be well-rounded and should have some capacity in…
Run 1 mile for time Then…, Squat – 1 x 30 @ last weeks 20 reps Then…, Strict Press – In teams of 3 find a HS in 15 min Then…, AMRAP in 8 min of…, Deadlift – 75% (Off Of 3RM) x 5 Clapping Push-ups x 10 V-up Sit-ups x…
5.14.16 WOD
Saturdays Schedule: 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am classes General Warm-up # 2 Back Squat 73% x 20r Then…, “Teams of 2” With a 30 Minute Running Clock: 20 Double Unders 10 Pull-ups (Any Style) 5 Flying or Explosive or Plate Push-ups 10 Alt Db Snatch or Kb Snatch E/S…
Bulletproof Shoulders Then…, Strength Bench Press – 80% (Of 1RM) x 4r x 5s Then…, Functional 3 Sets NFT A1. Kneeling Paloff Press x 10 E/S A2. Kneeling KB Chop x 10 E/S B1. Kneeling Arnold Press x 10 https://youtu.be/6Z15_WdXmVw Then…, Metcon 6:00 Cap 50 Double-Unders 15 Burpees 40…

3.8.17 WOD
*NEW CROSSFIT GLENDALE WEBSITE!!! We’re excited to announce that our new and refreshed website is live. The updated site includes changes to navigation, with dropdown menus for both mobile and desktop versions. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. There’s a whole host of smaller but…
3.7.17 WOD
Our favorite reads from the week, so far: 17.2 Gallery : By Matt Hein Baby Holds Plank for 34 Seconds! How Exercise Makes You Better at Your Job Thrive Global Why Your Kids Should Be Lifting Weights Starting Strength Failure – CFG Coach Catherine Lewis Blog ============================================== =================================================== Bulletproof Shoulders Then…, Strength Floor Press – 40-70%…

3.6.17 WOD
Our favorite reads from the week, so far: 17.2 Gallery : By Matt Hein Baby Holds Plank for 34 Seconds! How Exercise Makes You Better at Your Job Thrive Global Why Your Kids Should Be Lifting Weights Starting Strength My “Why” – CFG Coach Catherine Lewis *NEW CROSSFIT GLENDALE WEBSITE!!! LAUNCH THIS WEDNESDAY*…
3.3.17 WOD
GW + COS then… 17.2 or Low Skill Functional & Gymnasty AMRAP in 30:00 – 40:00 Of: :30 Bottom Of Dip Hold Low (Slow/Weighted) Bear Crawl B2B 10 Pike-ups W/ Feet On Rower Seat :30 Star Plank E/S :30 Chin-up Hold :30 L-Sit or Knee Tuck Hold :30 Inverted Chest To Wall Hold…