50 Jumping jacks
50 Mountain climbers
7 side raises
7 front raises
7 bent over flys
7 z press with 5 or 2.5 lb plates
Every 1:15 Seconds x 6 Sets (week 3 of 3)
2 Hang power snatch above the knee
1 Hang power snatch below the knee
1 Squat snatch
Working from the top down focus on hitting full hip extension, and continuing that movement pattern as the bar goes below the knee, then still hitting full hip extension on the squat snatch.
18 min emom: 3 rounds
min 1: 15 wall balls
min 2: 12/9 cal row- max :40
min 3: 10 deadlifts @ 55%
min 4: 10/7 cal bike – max :40
min 5: max pullups
min 6 rest
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