3 Rounds
10/10 Banded Strict Press
10 Banded Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns
10 Hollow Hold
:30 Bike
In 12:00 Complete
3 Sets For Quality
8-10 DB Arnold Press
10-12 DB Pullovers (LIGHT!)
12-14 Russian KBS
:20-:30 Hollow Hold
If you did Murph yesterday, treat this as active recovery. Keep the weights light and move with quality. Be especially careful on the DB pullover, use a light weight & let this movement open your shoulders and lats up from yesterday.
15:00 EMOM
1) Max Cal Bike :40
2) 12-15 DB ST2OH 35/25
3) Max Cal Bike :40
4) 12-15 DBs Box Step Ups
5) 15-20 V-ups/ Alt
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