Upcoming CFG Events and News and Notes:
- New at CFG:Air Runners and Concept2 BikeErg
- SAVE THE DATE. Barbell For Boobs – Saturday, October 28th
- Endurance WOD Wk7
- CrossFit Glendale Membership Policies : Click here
- Join Team CFG in the Concept2 Fall online challenge.It’s simple:
1. Create an online logbook for free – https://log.concept2.com/log
2. Join “Team CrossFit Glendale”
3. Join the challenge.
4. Row your heart out for the next month & log all your meters online! (Sept 15-Oct 15)
All of Warm-up A
Elevated Glute Bridge Ups – 5s x 10r w/… :2 Pause
Close Grip Bench Press – 2r x 5 @ 4040
Jog 600m x 3 w/… 1:00 Rest btw
100 Single Unders x 5 w/… 1:00 Rest btw
Ski 200m + Walk 100m + Jog 200m x 5
Bike :30 Fast + Walk 100m x 10