2 Rounds
:20 Deadhang
:20 Pushup Hold (bottom position)
:20 High Plank
15 Band pull aparts
15 Bench dips.
1:00 row/bike/ski
(week 1 of 4)
Every 1:15 x 8 sets
Odd: 15 DB Bench (7/10 effort)
Even: 8-10 DB lat pull overs
Week 1 is a volume week on DB bench, you should comfortably be able to get 15 reps at the weight you choose.
16:00 EMOM (4 Rounds)
Min 1- 40 Double unders /60 single
Min 2- Amrap Hang DB snatch (switching arms every 4 reps) 50/35
Min 3- 12 Single DB box step ups
Min 4- 15 V-UPs
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