3:00 max cal
50 Banded glute bridges
25/25 Banded clam shells
20 Toe touches
20 Leg raises.
Deadlift Week: 1 of 3
Warm-up sets
EMOM X 3min
Set 1: 8 @ light weight 45%
Set 2: 6 @ 55%
Set 3: 6 @ 65%
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
Set 1: 5 @ 67-72%
Set 2: 3 @ 72-75%
Set 3: 3 @ 75-80%
Set 4: 3 @ 75-80%+
Set 5: 1 @ 82% +
Set 6: 1 @ 82-85% +
As we are starting at a heavier %, make sure you are building up and getting in warm up sets.
Sets 5,6 are going to be “heavy” singles, not a max.
5 rounds:
1:30 Work/ 1:00 Rest
2 Rope climbs or 3 burpee pull-ups
7 TTB*
In remaining time:
Amrap Front Rack Barbell Lunges* or OH BB Reverse lunges.
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