1 Round
200m Run
250/200m Row
6 Box Step Ups
6 Air Squats
10 Band Pull Aparts
10 Hollow Rocks
15 Sec Dead Hang
9:00 AMRAP For Quality (Aim for 3 sets)
6-10 Strict Chin Ups
12-16 Alt DB Curls (6-8 per arm, Challenging weight)
10 DB Lat Pullovers
10-12 double DB bent over row
12-15 bent over flys
25 Min AMRAP:
400m Run
20 Box Step Ups (BW only)
6 Renegade rows (3 per arm)
500m Row
25 Air Squats
6 Renegade rows (3 per arm)
20 Sit Ups
10 V-Ups
6 Renegade rows (3 per arm)
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