Mini band lat walk
Mini band fwd walk
Mini band squats
10/10 split lunges
10 push ups
5 pull up’s.
(Week 3 of 4)
Every 1:15 x 6
Odd: 12-15 RKBS
Even : 10/10 Suit Case Hold DB/KB Bulgarian split squats on each leg
The KB swings should be heavy, and the focus is slowing them down and squeezing your glutes. The KB should only get to about waist height.
If the right leg is the front working leg hold the DB in the left hand (the hand of the leg behind on the bench).
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets: (12 min)
10 Burpees To Target
Walking Lunge (BW) – 20ft out/20ft Back)
10 Toe to Bar
Walking Lunge (BW) – 20ft out/20ft Back)
Amrap Rope Climbs or Inverted rows
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