3 rounds
1:00 wall sit
10 Stationary lunges 10/10
:30 plank
10 Air squats
3-4 sets. Build weight
:20 Row/bike
5 Back squats
Back Squats (week 2 of 3)
Every 2:00 x 5 sets:
3 Back squats (@83%-87)
We will be doing 3 weeks of 3 before heavy singles. If you will be doing the Open, you should be feeling very strong headed in.
Get set, take a big breath and drive out of the hole. These should be challenging, but you should feel like you could still do 1 more reps each set.
AMRAP: 4 Rounds
2:30 on/1:00 rest
3 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Power Cleans 155/105
9 Pull Ups
12 Air squats
Pick up where you left off each round.
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