20 band pull aparts
:10 plank hold top
:10 plank hold bottom of push up
15 ring rows
10/10 Single arm DB bench press each arm
100m run
DB Bench: Week 2 of 4
Every 1:15 x 8 sets
Odd: 12 DB Bench (8/10 effort) 3011 tempo
Even: 7/7 Single arm DB rows (heavy)
We will continue dropping reps, and the goal will be to go heavier each week. If you can’t make a jump to the next DB weight, slow the descent of the reps down to increase time under tension and the overall difficulty of the set.
6 Rounds : 1:00 on/1:00 Rest
100m Run
1 Rope Climb/3 burpee pull-ups.
Max Rep Alt DB Snatch 50/35
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