:20 Sec Row
6 Alt Box Step Ups
5 Goblet Squats with PLate press out in the bottom
4 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Single Unders
Every 1:15 x 8 Sets (4 Each)
Odd Sets: 8-10 RDLs @ 30-40%
Even Sets: 12 Deficit curtsy lunge (4-6” deficit slow and controlled)
Focus on perfect form on today’s RDLS, loading up the hamstrings and pushing your hips back. The deficit curtsy lunges are accessory and the focus is range of motion and using your glutes, these are unweighted.
3:00 Work/1:00 Rest x 4 rounds
45 DUs
2 Rounds:
6 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
6 OHS 95/65
Amrap Cals on Row in remaining 3:00
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