*NEW CROSSFIT GLENDALE WEBSITE!!! We’re excited to announce that our new and refreshed website is live. The updated site includes changes to navigation, with dropdown menus for both mobile and desktop versions. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. There’s a whole host of smaller but impactful changes, all to make your experience of the adjust site that much better for you. We have also created a host of new graphics, published a gallery’s worth of images, and included a few updates that have made the site easier to use. We hope you like the changes, and if you have any feedback, please let us know 🙂 ==========================================================================
Bulletproof Shoulders
Snatch Warm-up
Include High Hang Pwr Snatch*
Pull the bar into the hip. Dip, Drive & Snap Down. Move the feet!
Olympic Lifting
1 High Hang Pwr Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch – EMOM x 8:00
Focus on speed rather than load.
5 Sets NFT
25 Band (Green) Pull Throughs
1:00 FLR Hold W/ External Rotation
EMOM x 15:00
Row 15/12 Cal
We are sad to see our long time CFG Family member Christina Reidel move. But, we know you are on to great things and we wish you and your family all the warmth and happiness in your new home! Your CFG family is going to miss you! Our doors are always open..